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Omg I am rlly grateful for the translation and how they translated the last ep which I cou...

Kristabee January 26, 2021 8:54 pm

Omg I am rlly grateful for the translation and how they translated the last ep which I couldn’t understand much. Seeing how a lot of ppl jump on translations and do poor jobs is rlly frustrating, this is a rlly good translator

    Habakuk January 26, 2021 10:43 pm

    So I am not the only one who thinks this issue is kinda out of hand? lol So many storys get picked up, translated into a mess and you really can't understand anything.
    But this translator speaks korean and chinese? so it makes sense that even if it is their first time that they are good at this. (english skills are good too)
    Most of the unreadably translations are made by someone whos mothertongue isn't chinese/korean nor english.

    Kristabee January 28, 2021 11:04 pm
    So I am not the only one who thinks this issue is kinda out of hand? lol So many storys get picked up, translated into a mess and you really can't understand anything.But this translator speaks korean and chine... Habakuk

    Yh I am fine as long as it’s not messy and the translation is right. :)