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All photos about Kohitsuji to Ookami page 12

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haha, ahh some friend he is XD
AHAHAHAHAH, are u kidding meh! he hasn't heard of how its done btween guys XD
LOL! "coz ur cuter" XD
LOL, he thought he was top XD
W~~~ah! so adorable, these two!! XD XD X) X) :3 :3 3 <3
:3 :3 <3 <3
"cry on mychest if ur scared" XD :3 <3 X) CUTE!!
"my lord" XD

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Name: Kohitsuji to Ookami
Status: Completed   
Author: SAKURAI Reiko 0 released.
Genre(s): Comedy / Yaoi
Alternative: A Lamb and a Wolf,
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