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Comments of Imprison The Flower

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2023-06-30 03:22
Some chapters are missing like 13 and 17, but overall it’s well done!
2023-06-29 03:10
No, bla bla bla I get it the ML is a different timeline one and is "different". What I hate is how annoyingly inconsistent it is. Characters such as the twins are used as comic relief and also such fucking cunts they're literally better off dead and so is the ML. The mc just ends up going back to the ML? Even after all that trauma?! Like bitch I get he has a plan but at least make it difficult for him to even go near that cunt cuz with the amount of shit he was put through it ain't just gunna be the code word that's triggering, it's also the face of the abuser himself. When the mc went "I was nearly fooled again", he's acting like he just got cheated on when the shit he went through was so much worse than that, literally anyone in his situation would have killed themselves. The fast passing makes it worse, it's just bad at dealing with heavy shit.
2022-07-18 23:14
this comic give so many different vibes and it's actually good like bruh you need to read it all the way to cp 22 to understand what's going on otherwise you wouldn't understand it if you skip cps
2022-07-18 12:56
@The Tag LOL haha, thanks for the one drop chaps...

2022-07-18 11:32
YES, this is a good one. There are a few twists and turns. I like the ML. I won't go into why because that's a spoiler. Just know that he does meet even my picky expectations of what makes a good ML!
2022-07-18 10:30
Shoujo? Lol. This is SHOUNEN AI.
2022-07-18 10:25
Is it good? Anyways come onnn give uss chapterszz
Name: Imprison The Flower
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: 井绳 2021 released.
Genre(s): Shounen Ai / Romance / Webtoons
Alternative: None
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