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2024-05-04 19:43
Liked the ending nice manhwa got me horny sometimes ngl
2024-02-03 06:42
I mean that lesbo chapter was hot
2024-01-21 18:15
started it awhile ago - but girl is ignores this kid and then the kid is asked to tutor her, and then they fuck
2023-11-22 03:56
Bullied ruthlessly by girls in high school, Jinhoo had done his best to put his tortured past as a complete loser behind him. However, one day he finds out that his newest tutee is his ex-bully Yejin! Despite flunking the college entrance exam twice, Yejin's only interest is studying with her dildo and keeping a fresh supply of batteries while being adamant that she doesn't need a tutor. However, as he starts to tutor Yejin as per usual, Yejin soon realizes that there are some things that Jinhoo can teach her…but she's going to have to find out the hard way.
2023-07-10 06:20
guys ayoko na... bakit ko to binasa...
2023-07-04 15:12
Stupidly entertaining, stale if you care for anything more than just immense amounts of fucking
2023-05-28 18:13
same old harem plot
2023-04-30 07:03
202304 aw you know, this wasnt so bad.
2023-01-03 11:53
Okay so…. I mean… idk what tf happened… but it wasnt bad. Sure the anatomy is exaggerated but is that what people are focused on? Not much plot and lots of eye rolling and head tilting but honestly it was a good read! Id definitely recommend if you want pure smut in between regular reads!
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Choi Tae-young , Over.J 2000 released.
Genre(s): Webtoons / Comedy / Romance / Mature / Adult
Alternative: ; Learning The Hard Way 일진녀 과외하기
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