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Comments of Forming a Hero's Party of Friends is a Recipe for Romantic Strife

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2023-08-19 08:40
Chap 2
2023-07-30 17:14
where the hell is the storyline even going?!
2023-03-31 17:32
I get lightsaber and all but I always find it funny how they're putting black strip on a character's private part but not fully like am I supposed to be like "hmmm wonder what's behind those strips"
2023-07-04 23:13
For the first chapter she legit said
‘your taller then me now,
‘you got taller then me’
‘Your the bravest hero’ and they kinda talked for a while. Really boring and terrible
2023-03-29 14:29
I hope its a threesome. Let her keep both guys
Name: Forming a Hero's Party of Friends is a Recipe for Romantic Strife
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Unknown 2022 released.
Genre(s): Josei / Smut / Fantasy
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