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theyre trying
sick tattoo m8
its a fucking love triangle
look at how he shines. my simon....
fuck this manga and my feelings and everything fuck
"fap fap"
These are the smexy/funny/cute/pretty stuff that I found while reading... though I usually forget to add stuff because I'm too caught up in the story
1249 photos
23 03,2015 created

BloodLust (BL)'s other album

  • Kuroko no Basuke Stuffs

    I'm an admin of a knb page so I have a lot of these......

    131 photos
  • Old Art :')

    If you're interested in my current works, check out

    71 photos
  • Shingeki no Kyojin

    Well... it's more like a Jean x Marco album...
    And like 99.9% of the pics are drawn by

    175 photos