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i'm not into BDSM or toxic shit but good if some1 deserve some ass whipping then they deserve it
lmao in short the man is telling MC to jack off by himself lol
lmao even i would do the same shit
lmao how much more u want her to do bro
lmao he fucking know rip girl
lmao she taught it was her father not knowing it's ML lol
lmao her adoptive father got it right lol he planning on stealing her for himself
lmao i fucking know some shit like this will happen lol
lmao girl don't kid around
lmao when 2 grown ass adults have a crush on each other they act like morons
wtf did this bitch just sign without reading the fucking contract wow lmao u fucking stupid here
lmao yo wtf how did he get her to agreed to that shit even if it was the og
lmao sweet potatoes what the fuck kind of nickname is that MC comes up with lol
lmfao they fight behind MC back and act all friendly when MC see them lol
lmao burh that like is filled with soo many hole girl u don't know how to tell a like
3770 photos
21 11,2015 created

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