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lmao knight and shining armor my ass bro
lmao they don't want their son/grandson to be a monk
hell yes that's my girl
lmao strip motherfucker
lmao bro just walk around naked in front of ML
oh shit he's fuck nothing can save his ass
oh shit this motherfucker think 2 step ahead of MC lol
lmao oh shit he never left lol
yooo this system and ML are working together now poor MC
lmao fucking system who side u fucking on?
lamo MC u look like the bottom and ML look like the top
lmfao MC u the 1 that give ML the idea
wtf ML liked him this is why he believe MC lies oh shit if it's ever discovered MC will die
see i fucking told u he bug the room
lmao wtf ML believe MC shit wtf
yo lowkey i feel like ML can bug the place and is listening in on all MC conversation he having
lmao MC i don't believe u bro if ML believe this shit i will not stop laughing on the over acting
lmao i wouldn't believe u MC if i was the ML
3770 photos
21 11,2015 created

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