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dumb misunderstanding but hes like,, a newborn adult-bby (idk lol) hence all these. it actually stabs my heart
fuyu bby '(
wth why must every couple in this manhwa suffers tragically stop this immediately
if they didn't get a happy ending imma km$
i hate this
stop or i'll start crying
maika bby ily
stop hurting me
baby '(
wtf is this didnt rly expect to cry @ this manhwa fawk this actually breaks my heart
fvvk hana
ah now what im gonna do with my tear-stained cloth
these either hurt my heart that i teared up a little or it broke my heart so much that i cant stop sobbing, bAWLING MY EYES OUT :D nothing in between
246 photos
20 04,2020 created

guesswho's other album