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go to town = carefull thoroughly
audacity = bold, nerve
cajorlery = loiwf ninhj hots
arbitrarily = tuy y
ensue = result
forlorn =alone and unhappy; left alone and not cared for:
predicament = unpleasant situation

cant hold a candle = cant compare
egocentric = selfish
shoddy =
kem chat luong
rejuvenate =
làm trẻ lại
= straight , đặc sản riêng
plethora = a large amount
nefarious = bat chinh
brown nose = ninh bo
sth make u suffer
to cause something to continue
put a damper on sth informal (also put a dampener on sth)

to make something less active or less en

thù lao
70 photos
01 02,2020 created

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