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It's harder than it looks soncr we let our insecurities eat us up
But once it's done... Its a breeze
How cool is this posture
Nicely drawn
I just had to admire how perfect it looked
Whers can I find this
Gentle touch and affectionate approach....
Is that what they call the fist of love
At this point I love this author so mich
Ending is real
But statisfying
Like hana to akuma
He's gonna get his way
Life lesson check
I ran not towards success...
But away from failure
Feels like he's going to war
It's funny cute
For tgenext 3 panels
What a fortunate turn of events
It's like *swoosh* bam bam
If someone cares about you
Being abusive to yourself can hurt them too
This is adorably sad
I want friends
Dont underestimate women
Let's stop everything and look at how nicely done this page is
I cry every time I read this and I love it
Hope they meet agaim when they both have found happiness
1393 photos
23 12,2019 created

ddd's other album