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Nice save!! *in Japanese accent
Oh my the action here is so cool
Definetly a fav
I want the brown guy bottom and the other one on top
Psychosadistic bottom X puppytop
Obviously an ukes butt
Im ready for six volumes and a mivie
Pay up
This make me wanna cry
I don't know what's wrong, ima bit imotional today, and kinda empty and tired
He's so precious I'm gonna cry
So pure
Books have the power to change
I believe in that power
I'm reading this and as a person fascinated by such things
I'm fuck8ng fangirling over books
Ya bok
Change isn't necessarily caused by one person, it also doesn't have to be cause by your most impo
Me too
That's auvj and adorable panel
Frindship goals
It's realistic and sweet
Not used to it would be repulsed or find it funny not go all uke on whoev
Puppy mode on
Easst way to communicate is through gossip, as long as there is one other erson it can work
How lucky
Even I havent found that one person who I could show my true feelings
Orbe 'weak' wh them
I want one too
1393 photos
23 12,2019 created

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