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I also refuse to be gay for you
Are you sure bro
He's going to war
Both didn't regeater wjta just happened and life kept going
Can someone stroke my head too
And keep their hand there for reassurance
I'm working hard I promise
Kyaa ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
He called him darling
My ship is sailing
Bullshit syndrome
Love that
I'll use it in the future
People fall in love differently
He found love or he’s willing to try it out...
People fall in love differently
Even friends tend to become similar to one another
Influence of enviromnt as well as proof of change
Three sides to the same story
On point
Well written a baby who was cast away by life after his loved one was killed
I love how different this is
#breaking all stereotypes about yaoi ukes and desperate seme
So precious
I feel at home with these people
Like I'm there
These guys are literally my gang
It feels like me and my friends when we encounter a crisis
That is the best and most realistic thing that happened in a manga
I'm still laughing about what happens in the next panel
They are cute in their own way
1393 photos
23 12,2019 created

ddd's other album