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This is a healthy relationship
Where they overcome hardship to be together
Rather than a toxic relat
I'm in love with this author
I was thinking hell be done if reece decides to top him one day
What are you doing good sir
Tremble shaking pfffff
I'm vibrating
Yes yes yes yes
US girls can't find some like that so you better not let go or I'll have him
Omfghfhfhfmg I'm dying
I'm so done at this splint my heart can't take this fluff anymore

Oh my gosh that's adorable
I want one!!!
Aaaaaawe aaaaaoooh my baby
Nonono don't cry
They both went through the same thing
It was worse for the kanchan
So he's legal
I dies
Adorable starts
They are smiling and glitering
Watching over and giving hope
Cz words hav the power
To change
To connect
And To hurt and to cause crisis
Cz words have the power
To change
To connect
and to hurt and cause crisis
The stars and glitter
Around someone special
My favourite person
This can become a favourite
I want a sequel
1393 photos
23 12,2019 created

ddd's other album