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Does this auor have an obsession with llamas
And now he's gonna change him into a puppy like person.. Only with him <span class="emoji emoji
Yukin is a strong woman in a yaoi
A miracle, a moment in history
The real hero of this manga...
Is not the guys who loved.....
But the wn
Tht wom yuk whmd it possib
We could clearly see that in his actions
Tgisone is directed very well
All the little things and actions are acounted with reason
You know it's gonna come to an end
But you desprtly want it to last forever
This type of trivia
Is very special
A type of love so pure
A dark grey love
That will slowly change its colour
How to get across
Wel duh I'm flirting ksksks
Howard's end
Margret marriage proposal
Accept cz of rich guy and stuff that's why she didn't reject
Not accepting something you did to someone is the same as not accepting them
I'm crying
Snif snif
Gaaaah a man like that
How lucky
Those cltse
Those clumsy idiots are frigging adorable
So precious
This is so special
People don't understand my way of cherishing moments
It makes me sad sometimes
Toxic relationship
Overcome hardship cz its troublesome
1393 photos
23 12,2019 created

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