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Someone who knows what they want
Somone who found it special,the bond with that this life
Somethigns u know are true
But don't feel real until someone else says it
The first thing she thought of after the feelings are mutual
Forget all the angsty shit
This is the saddest thing I read
Poor him trying to be cute and all
Don't become a couple over confession
But until everything is settled and ready to create a bond
Getting attached
Then loosing that thing is painful
The key is reminder he has a sanctuary
Freakin broke my heart
I like how this author gives feelings and emotions time to become love, and love to become bonds
He's so precious
Black haired guy 8s so nice and precious
I'm confused
Like is this story based on real or soemthing
To create not a only emotions and feelings, but strong bonds
And someone in live still needs time to accept the other person completely
At their own pace
Sometimes live doesn't happen like magic
To become deep it needs time
Don't look at me with such kind eyes
I'll realise how hurt I am
1393 photos
23 12,2019 created

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