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It is not cute, but embarassing.
Sue him for what?
Dude is funny. He thinks 3 million USD is easy money. Even for L4l1s4 it's big money.
Pretty boi, why eveil?
asking the same.
Oh. Basically evey person pursuing a career?
fair enough.
So weak. Even women are more robust.
grow tall and steal your uncle's man! I am rooting for you, kiddo.
hmmm. okay.
To be fair, he was dragged in this relationship. Dude has escapist tendency.
You are missing the point, she'll refuse?
Call me crazy, but he looks 10x better with that black thing on his eyes.
That's normal. Don't dramatize it as a trauma. So freackin' annoying.
This is perfect moment to report an 4554ult to
Uke is a freackin' annoying pu55y!
Why is a dangerous lake so easily acessible in the first place?
4939 photos
20 11,2019 created

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