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So true.
It seems this guy loves Omi Asakura to huh.
Thought that's what it should've said.
Yep it's sudden for you because you thought it through.
Suppose you did huh Omi Asakura
Yep and this is what he's been keeping from you until now.
Good choice Omi Asakura, either you move on or you have a relationship.
Yeah true.
Well Omi Asakura decided thanks to those words of the last page to show this guy how he feels.
Yep there is the fact that Omi Asakura loves you.
It seems Omi Asakura still loves him.
This is the one Omi Asakura is or was in love with in high school.
This cool guy Omi Asakura is my fav character in this couple!
Poor kid.
He is a very terrifying guy xD
This adorable guy sure is the definition of a wolf in sleeps clothing.
Sung Jin-woo is going well in this game he's getting stronger and stronger.
Sung Jin-woo is in a legit real life game, where anything can happen.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created