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xD Hazuki has funny friends they are great lel
xD my fav character really loves this guy lel
Because he fell in love with you.
Poor Hazuki my fav character falling in love with someone like that.
This guy if a really good friend to my fav character :)
Yeah it's just cruel :(
You were really cruel to my fav character he told you he loves you he was telling the truth! :(
The slutty uke is my fav character in this couple
This kid is my fav character in this couple :3
The white haired guy is my fav character ;3
This blushing kid is my fav character
Why would he say no???
Awwwwh ;3
So this is what happen?
Yeah my fav character with grey hair stay away from that guy!
The grey haired guy is my fav character
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created