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Yeah he is a perv!
xD, Yuuhi is cute but I don't see that as an advantage.
You found a gay couple Yuuhi.
Wow Yuuhi is so cool xD
His name is Yuuhi and he is adorable! I wonder who is going to be his bf
This kid is my fav character in this couple!
The perfect couple :)
Koichi talked
Koichi ;3
Koichi is so beautiful!
Yeah Koichi is a good guy and cute, also cool!
Koichi this pretty boy is my fav character in this couple :3
Shuuta this guy with the way darker hair is my fav character in this couple and so cute xD!
Kintarou this glasses guy is my fav character in this couple!
Midori has a bunch of new friends!
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created