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Yeong-gi wut is u doing?
Mine too sometimes my stomach talks to my dog XD
Hahahaha XD
OMFG he scared the shit out of me
Yung boots ni jungkook XD
i cant take it anymore
No not today bts~
Oh dang the body!
I probably did the same if i saw my friend like that
The look on their faces
Me too gurl me too
Oh shit
Twice wut is love~?? Lols XD
Girl just choose already! Dont be greedy!
Ahhhhhh sena and rekka wut is u doing?
Run run run~
I wish i could wear uniforms like that too!!!
He..he..he..he..he XD
GAWD I put too much
602 photos
27 08,2018 created

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