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She likes her i mean him, not as a friend but a lover
Onay he proteecc his bae!
He will leave eventually. Omg Hana u slut XD jk hahahaha gosh
Awwww wut about the kiss?!?!
Ya save ur gurl boi!
Just confess to her that u like i mean u love her!
Yuri?!?!? XD lols
oddamit his to handsome ma aye
Omg it melts my heart away there to good tobe true
Let's add the twins to the harem tehee~ XD
Awwww he's so cute i m-me-mean she, she's so cute hehehe *laughs awkwardly*
Ur an exception princess
Gosh tony
Oh gosh
Oh dang
Stop making ne fall for u tony boi
Oh dang he likes her
GAWD I put too much
602 photos
27 08,2018 created

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