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It's set in 2021 lmao
His crush on her is cute but also so weird. He's supposed to be like 12?? And she's like 16/17? Hmmm, Idk bout dat
Just like Ren, she made her react to her acting in the exact way she needed to.
Damn this girl is really insane. I don't think she's acting, she's really... like that.
Baby Ren
I HAVE to pin this to my pinterest board. This is the vibe I want to go for 24/7
GIRL. You in LOVE. This is how you should've been acting during that first test. hehehe
Things are like this now yet it's going to be a 15 years before anything happens
Noooooo lmao, Really has not aged well hahaha
I wonder if Kyoko has noticed how much she's started to defend Tsuruga, the way she used to for Sho
The way she has no idea he's talking about her LMAOOOOOO
This did not age well lmao <span class="emoji emoji1f62d"></span
16 photos
01 04,2024 created

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