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Pretty art.
Did you notice it? Dad newspaper is upside down lol
Lmao the cat and dog
asdfghjklsdd sorry but the way Tomoya was drawn when he fell. i can't
Take a look at t/n. I agree, why did he (Liam) say that? Abandoning Sandra just bc she's old??
"if you don't accompany me, I'll sue you!"
842 photos
10 02,2024 created

Ruzu's other album

  • Cover Art

    Cover art of various danmei novel and manga.

    57 photos
  • Qing Kuang Artworks

    Note: AntidoteWolves of a Pair Prowl TogetherSaYeQing KuangXiao ZhangSan Fu(all Wuzhe works and reversible couple except Xiao Zhang) is set in the same universe.

    6 photos