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pfffft so cute
the chibis cute
smiling....? I've never seen Seiji smiling, yet.
uhmm, so all this fuckin time, Minami is crushing on Karasuma himself not just his voice?
its called being 'introverted'. i know of it bc I've been one my whole life. so this hit close
tf fucking rude
hmmmmm...the extrovert and the introvert
how honest
wth ichigo. stop being a tsundere dumbass
lmao whats going on? this random guy started punching him too? feel kinda bad for him but also funny
tf this shit
mate, the fact that his brother sold him off, i will no longer see him as human
umm what? the audacity on this bitch. u sold him off alr,u no longer have any relation w/ him
HAHAHAHAHA omg thats cute
How come Hime looks older than Kaede? bruh
this manga might as well be horror genre with how weird both characters are.
I've never seen any 'top' character that as accepting as this handsome fellow. this is good.
843 photos
10 02,2024 created

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    Cover art of various danmei novel and manga.

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    Note: AntidoteWolves of a Pair Prowl TogetherSaYeQing KuangXiao ZhangSan Fu(all Wuzhe works and reversible couple except Xiao Zhang) is set in the same universe.

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