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Wtf how is that a kid???
Someone roast this stupid btch bird
Let’s just do a quick 180 back to the gentleman pls
Dude, cheaters must be punished bwahahah
This is what happens when you bottle sht up young man…
Dude lol!
Protective butler card activated
That’s how it be when you put sht in a box and forget to deal with it Mmhmm
I’ve been there; it really does feel like hell.
She’s spitting facts, but she’s also bringing up her hurt feelings indirectly SIGH
Oh no, it’s the consequences of my past! Bwahahah
True but let’s calm down
Oh come on, everyone wants a beast heh
I do love a possessive, protective lover
Boy is hooked
Anita is gorgeous gotta say
96 photos
09 02,2024 created

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