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hm hm hm hm hmmmm?!?!? Is this also when Wei Ying started feeling something>!>>!>
one of my most favorite and memorable scene from MDZS. Them protecting Mianmian <3
I will never ever get over affectionate and clingy wei ying my heart !
Wei Ying is the type to go all out and express his feeling affectionately when loving someone !
I shouldn't be surprised but I love the way it doesn't matter to him what gender he likes
U know, I kinda of like Wei Ying acting timid, this side of him is quite lovely as well
ahhhhh I love it when Wei Ying who usually makes others blush, gets all hot and flustered. It's cute
I like that Wei Ying didn't make things awkward between them even though he took advantage of LZ
1101 photos
05 11,2023 created

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