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i remember them from lucifer omg
I hate when they give them female roles like wtf?
he was head over heels tho lol
too fast kdldjd
damn the misunderstanding is so huge and complicated lmao
dang sorry you had to witness this lmao
hold onnn a fridge that doesn't have water only jdsjfkyf
girly u r sooo gay
and still think hes straight? lol
now I cant wait for his fight with ray
bc emotional damage kdffhgk
aww you're super cute be mine instead jdjdjd
im glad that hes not too short or anything llol
he was born to be spoiled
tbh I thought he would make move on raywoon
she looks like someone in eunsung team but it could be just the art lol
141 photos
01 11,2023 created