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Not recognizing ur own clothes is crazyyy, I may not recognizing my mom, but my STUFF? B*tch, plz.
Like, my man here giving unrelatives personal infos & not sharing it with THE patient.
Ah, yes. The hospital of pure fiction. They offer good "plot twists" with a discount on reasons.
How did no one tell him at the hospital that he has amnesia?
Aren't u a gentleman?
At least they look cute standing next to each other
Ml I presume, DAMN u look normy. I guess ur personality will have to do lol
U did not lie there
So real of u
I see where this is going
That's it, he's dead
I would be LIVIED
Nah, cause why u so pretty??
Yes, plz
Even them fighting is cute
They cute af
He's not dense on his feelings?? I really like this guy
Is it winter or summer in there
Cause why is this happening?
455 photos
21 08,2023 created

Cinderella's stepmother's other album