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No bitch, r U supposed to be the og ml!?
This was supposed to happen in the og?
Common sense, which seems to be something u're lacking
You're a better, bigger person than me
Girl, what kind of og fl is this?
Isn't main character supposed to be happy? Did the readers skip this shit?
So precious, look at his pumpkin sized head awwww
Meeting time with the parents
She's like a magnet for weirdos
Boy, u think u special?
When is it my turn?
Protect urself from me, I'm here trying to eat u
Tf? U read minds now? + she pretty mid my man, don't even bother reading hers if u can.
Ummm... this looks familiar
Like damnnnn
My god, marry me plzzz
Out of context but, I would've married u right then & there. Dude, look at u in that ponytail?
She & ml r birds of a feather
Cause why is this happening?
454 photos
21 08,2023 created

Cinderella's stepmother's other album