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They're so cute
Boy, no. She cheated on the guy, there's no going back together
Wow, that's a pretty frame
He's so cute for that first frame
There we go
Gurl, what about the 5th prince u so happen to mention b4?
Like, damn pose
She do be looking good as a man though
Hide her ass too, would u
Ok, he kinda cute when he smile
Those frames are MAGISTIC
Now, you're just throwing words in
Girl, what even was this ch? Could've lived without it
Damn, that ch 1 was the shortest ch 1 since the making of a ch 1
U think she play origami with those?
Nah, dude think she outright blind.
Translator, no. He looks mid af
Cause why is this happening?
454 photos
21 08,2023 created

Cinderella's stepmother's other album