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A bug which flies around will get killed.
Don’t play with bad bugs. You got it?
If you stealing him away, I’ll annihilate you until not even you ashes are left.
No one else is allowed to make you feel that way.
Get the fuck away from him.
Back off!
You are mine.
Get away from my divine maiden.
What are you doing to him?
That’s because you’re mine and mine only.
Each and every one of your cells, they’re all mine.
You think I’d allow that? I won’t even let you joke about it.
You’re mine, I’m going to make you understand it so much that you hate it.
You’re never going to break up with me again, are you?
I’ll prove my feelings for you so you’ll never think of avoiding me again.
What kind of favors did you do for this guy?
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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