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I won’t allow you to have even a single millimeter of control over him.
I won’t let you go until you say you’re mine.
I don’t want to hand you over to anyone else. You’re mine.
I’ll remind you who you belong to.
Just what do you intend to do to him?
Are you trying to escape? I never approve that.
I will not let you go anywhere.
I will not let anyone copulate with him.
You’re already mine! No matter how many times you run, I always catch you.
You are not to show fuck-me-now face of yours without my okay, got it?
Excuse me, I’ll bringing him back now.
Don’t touch.
Don’t you ever lay a finger on him.
If you run from me I’ll kill you.
You are mine. Mine.
Are you trying to run away from me?
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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