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You are so dead
Ok he definitely needs to die.

No doubt about it now
Go with him.

Establish the kid is his, then kill him and have your son inherit everything.

Oh hell no.

Kill them all
Fuck him.

He's dead to us now. Him and that red bitch can just go fuck themselves
Hehehe you are going to die now
So it's a war you want.
You can fall and break a HiP old man.
We will ensure the neck is included
Let the dog run free!!!!
Harpy you bitch.

You are so fucking dead for betraying her!

You are definitely dead.
Yeah you are desperate to die
Yall about to die
Think wisely before you speak next old man. There are four deaths to answer for. And four attempted
Ohhhhhh so you want your kingdom to be destroyed eh?

Orrrrr is killing the royal family enough.
Well old man. You need to die
What's wrong with scars????

They all need to die. You really went for the baby again.
80 photos
11 07,2023 created

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