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Fav, her and Ophelia best charas
The notes just make the story
Slay queen
ssssshhhhhheeeesss so good
not that ugly fucking trash ass bitch, this album is for Pr/N !
I love her enthusiasm when she is saying AWFUL things that she awaits
Everytime I see this group I gotta add em to the album SUCH PRETTY BESTFRIENSS
I love this group
Bibi my fav, she a ride or die for Seria
he’s so cute, trying to comfort her but it looks like a curse instead
Love their combined anger and her calm energy
She’s so pretty like I know sis is just pretending to be a man but like so pretty
She’s best girl, I need there to be an appreciation bc she legit looks like a backstabber
babies, the lot of them
1128 photos
12 05,2023 created

imp's other album

  • love me a possessive foine ass ml

    They don’t have to be possessive possessive but this also includes jealous and it’s truly just for the moments where a character likes another and I love them bc I’m simple like that

    349 photos
  • heart, IN MY STOMACH

    gut wrenching GUT PUNCHING

    This shit takes the breath out of my weeping lungs
    I just love it

    188 photos

    I see funny, I see me, I think me funny so it goes in here

    950 photos