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Yeeeaaah, those two ain't gonna be friends anytime soon. X'D
...kill me now.
That moment you noticed you made a grave mistake. X'D
People go DERP for beef buns, apparently...
Bakugo, you (loveable) jackass you. X'D
Holy shit, faces are so deceiving. XD Teaching him the hard way is probably best tho.
...can someone bring me a knife, please? There is a pest that needs to be killed, asap. :>
...bitch, you serious?? *triggered eye twitching*
Did he SERIOUSLY not get those obvious hints? It wasn't even hints, tbh. <XD
My dream, really. Gotta love it if the person is a yakuza and just flings the other into the car~ <3
Well, THAT is a new reaction! WTH? X'D
...but then he'll not be able to walk due to DIFFERENT reasons. XD
Welcome to 2018 ladies and gentlemen!
881 photos
15 07,2017 created

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