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yeah, no, drinking that is peak burnt out college student vibes
oh. ooooh. okay.
no. sorry. :(
just a little pouty, no biggie. he's stopped crying so the worst of it is over.
it's suddenly hurting me oh my god
he's really pulling out this serious conversation and idk what to say
bro is adorable and deserves the best
I don't recall the exact words but i think i'd feel the same as him " why would you say that :("
one thing is that i noticed.... he now has irises lol
before his eyes were just . .
art style check in
i'm saving this so you can see how much the art style changes lol
you've beeen so bold this chapter >///<
he's already running at 200% battery lol
i make fantastic guttural screeches in moments like these
he is cute 24/7
Uh, just a continuation of the cute shit album, nothing special.

I wish my old-ish screenshots didn't get deleted tho
Kinda salty about that.

5493 photos
02 04,2023 created

Imaweeb's other album