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drunk you is an airhead flirter, my god
with bro's luck he definitely is gonna get hit on
you poor motherfucker...
the translator really be inserting their opinions... where they're not needed lol
bro the art is so pretty and the eyelashes are so <span class="emo
bro gonna be like
"... that's mine. i drew that...," and he starts crying
you look like a 40 year old hipster i didn't even recognize you
it just... how did you... it looks painful, idon'teven know
i... uh... ohmygod
he will if you let him, i bet
Jealousy at it's finest lol
it's cute :>
he's also hot af
bro is very pretty in his own right
Uh, just a continuation of the cute shit album, nothing special.

I wish my old-ish screenshots didn't get deleted tho
Kinda salty about that.

5493 photos
02 04,2023 created

Imaweeb's other album