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good on you for noticing... at least
walk back out the door
bro is just constantly amazed and happy and i love him for that
my smile reading this: c:
Genderless, my ass. Bro looks like a lesbian hairdresser
this shit is always cute
Yes, very much!
based family bro
this is 80 pages long, my god
should've just dipped lol
lol, the homies
bro's country accent has been really obviously lately
the face of despair when you see something this irl is something...
bro be feeling some type of way
perhaps... romantical?
big oof for dude
idk man looks gay to me
nah he's always an airhead flirter, shoulda known
Uh, just a continuation of the cute shit album, nothing special.

I wish my old-ish screenshots didn't get deleted tho
Kinda salty about that.

5493 photos
02 04,2023 created

Imaweeb's other album