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Status: Inactive since 2014.
Status: Retired. Dangerous Pleasures was one of the scanlation giants of yaoi. Long live!
Status: Inactive.
Status: Active.
Status: Active. Seeking scanners.
Status: Active. Seeking Japanese-to-English translator.
Status: Inactive. That's a shame, because they did good work.
Status: Inactive
Status: Inactive. Bad Apple is a one-person team.
Crownprince Scanlations. Status: Inactive
A database of recruitment bumpers of past and active scanlation groups, especially those that have done good work. If you are also seeking scanlation work, feel free to use this as reference.
19 photos
29 11,2022 created

punchline: existential dread's other album

  • Yaoi Hands

    Aristotle, Of the Hands:

    "Why are the fingers full of joints?
    To be more fit and apt to receive, and keep the things received."

    Whither "seme" or "uke"? Whither "take" or "receive"? Here the yaoi connoisseur embarks on a heretofore uncharted odyssey of understanding the relationship, yea, the sacrosanct bond between yaoi and its mutant hands.

    18 photos
  • miscellania

    80 photos