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then won't that make you as weak and as vulnerable too? too afraid to be swindled byurownfeelings?
r u sure tho?
omg just like me
the cake that contains the what??
i was about to complain but i appreciate it
u should've just told them about the stink from the get go, like why prolong this?
yeah have a heart mf, ur ear looks like shit
boyyy that's nothingg don't be fazed by that bs
this prick is so out of touch
babygirl do not falter omygosh
-something between him and rachel's father . . .
dude . . . i mean if he's so cruel to his son but manages to love rachel, i feel like there was
the dialogues r stupid and childish buttt i'm still gonna read lolol
girl how r u so fvcking naive?
W mom
methinks sunbae is a total germaphobe that's why he doesn't interact much and carries wet wipes
he's just like me frfr
anw, this manga reminds me of THAT line in taylor's "labyrinth"
73 photos
06 11,2022 created

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