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yeah, dumbass
can't even count all the times i've sighed with jealousy over this manga
dude's emotionally constipated
ew, why does his ear look like that?
what's this creature doing here?
you're so corny, lame, boo
that means nothing. he obv does that so he can use you to his advantage
wow, similar people really do find solace in each other, even unexpectedly
i'm actually liking this pair so far
wait, so does that mean he knew what august looked like all along but just forgot?
as fishy as raw tuna
wait, so they're full-blood brothers? just never met each other? wow
these brothers are f'd in the head, that's what
he's so clueless
how'd he know?
but like . . . what for? just to spite him?
73 photos
06 11,2022 created

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