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Like... when did he start becoming obsessed with her?? I need to knowww.
oh boy...
WOAH. I'm actually proud of her. *sniffle*
fuck him up
yasssss, bitch
they both look evil
their fcking fingers are intertwined!!!!
sorry but they have such ugly names. Eveness??? (eh-vin-ness). Kirieron (Kih-ree-eh-ron). Uck
the middle!
Ah, here comes the ML. Sorry, Sir Joseph.
I want them to beat his ass!!
Nah, you look like a greasy snake
OMG he looks so much older without his beard. WTF lol
I would LOVE to see little a side story of them in modern times! hahha
Fr, he spittin
The things you'll do for love...
1623 photos
29 05,2017 created

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