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Why he so finee ><
Sorry, but dADDY Abel (♡ω♡ ) ~♪
His worried face (✿ ♡‿♡)
His side profile will be the death of me ToT such dADDY<3
Last panel: He knows sumthn, and damn he looks good ToT
i'm ded, and happy ^3^
craven's undercover lolol xD ded

It will be interesting he says... with that smile.. ToT
He's such an eye candy
"since you have me in this world"
Ahhh.. (♡ω♡ ) ~♪
Marry me with that smile ༼;´༎  ༎༽
Hawt when he's hangry (*﹏*;)
14 photos
19 07,2022 created

Siegren'sBae's other album