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Put that bitch in the mirror n make her look!
They wanted you to find something safer lmfaooo

Parents hang in there!
Good level with her.

Also don't yell at yo pregnant wife
Lady all your daughters know he's the future father.
Oh you heard her right your Majesty.

Here's your wake up call to reality.
Notice how she needs a man? Your majesty?

Sounds good
Daddy already mastered lookin nonchalant. Sonny hant yet lol
Noooooo bro she just wants to make more so she can get a bebe outta ya.
Just answer him honestly you bitch

You suck at explaining bruh.

So go hold her hand king.
Oh no.

Hello him Leah (wink wink nudge nudge)
Interrogate him Brill.
A fucking killing.

Marry him.
450 photos
19 05,2022 created

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