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meanwhile the peanut-gallery...
disappointment put into expression.
"Haebom, apply your saliva." - "Okay."
(Houston, we got a problem)
100% my reaction. Dodge me with that shit. Even WHEN you're drunk
And here I almost busted a vein from laughing too much.
MINAMI-CHAN!! No changing the manga's category! (though she's right)
"But if you were a chick..." so it's ok if he's getting ruined as long as he's a guy?!
Angry fluffball is ANGRY
welcome to my personal space
"I'll send him flying."
that horrified tiger...
...*sweat galore*
GOLDEN BALLS (to have or not)
"...the most interesting face..."
GOD I wanna seeeeeee
Thank heavens for that bubble's placement
"A wild Fujikawa appeared!"
- Flee
- Fight
- Negotiate
HOMERUN (wait, wrong sport)
1610 photos
14 03,2015 created

Morcheeba's other album


Mana September 20, 2015 7:50 pm

Please leave the names of each manga as they all look so greatლ(´ڡ`ლ) I want to read them all ノ≧∇≦)ノ but I sadly can't without the names.

Morcheeba September 20, 2015 8:29 pm

I'll try to trace them back, when I started this album there were some technical issues with mangago so I lost a whole bunch of sources again and again - every once in a while I spend an evening retrieving them one by one ^^

Mana September 20, 2015 7:50 pm

Please leave the names of each manga as they all look so greatლ(´ڡ`ლ) I want to read them all ノ≧∇≦)ノ but I sadly can't without he names.