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ana from frozen dis you?
i love this cactus bro
why do they always have to push away and not accept with open arm? like ik its contractual and all
nvm , just the way he looks
i think i like them , not sure tho
bestie is deffo bi
i dont want him to be the male lead :/
mhmmmmmm nope
nah i dont like them
no cuz she could've just dived in or something
bro is flying on a sword tho
no cuz he could've pushed her out of the way or sumn' and like not die..
shes probably preggo even tho they said that shes infertile
no cuz why is the blanket so freaking small for a 15y/o
exactly what they said (the commentary at the bottom left)
that looks so relaxing and pretty ngl
23 photos
15 11,2021 created

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