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how fucking dare a MALE SLUT like you touch my FL hand off you fucking garbage
because you are fuking garbage u prick and ML is a fucking hot demon that love's her lamo
grandma go kill yourself
shut the fuck up u prick
y the fuck you in pain the asshole fucked u and got u pregnant also hide he was married
are you fucking kidding me you used her to cheat on your fucking wife asshole
i fucking hate both of them they can go fuck themselves
take it back this girl is stupid as fuck
this book really piss me off so he fuck her and then apology cause he took her innocent now believe
that is right stupid ass you ask for a divorce and you got it
we all fucking know she wants to kill that step mother
well i can i fucking accepted it jack off ML
ohhhhhhh roasted motherfucker you wortheless brother
this son of a bitch is a worthless mother fucker
wow what a crazy motherfuckers
how fucking dare these fucker treat my FL like that
i get this feeling that the stepmother also poison the FL mother too
1351 photos
17 10,2021 created

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