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that's what u get stupid i guess i will see your blood instead of the trash blood
look prince or whatever let her go I want to see blood u bitch so let her fucking go
that is right in law your son in law is good
don't fucking judge a book by it's cover in law
u fucking prick leave they boy mother alone u trash ass motherfucker
shut the fuck up asshole
u fucking son of a bitch how fucking dare you hit her I hope u fucking die a horrible death asshole
you fucking right you shouldn't have said that to the FL
oh hell fucking no u disgusting ass creep old son of a bitch
i told you not to listen to the jackass
no FL don't do this this motherfucker is crazy
don't do it FL that motherfucker is lying to you
FL cut this motherfucker lip that way he wouldn't hit on you
lmao u got fucked up by ML dog form
that is so right shut up u piece of shit
this old woman should shut the fuck up u almost dead grama so shut it
she is hot but i feel like she is a stupid bitch
1351 photos
17 10,2021 created

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