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bruh if she believes this bitch then wow that prince stupidity rub off on her
yeah this is what i mean no fucking way would i wanna talk to this asshole too
bro wtf is wrong with u? nobody in their right fucking mind would wanna talk to u who almostKillThem
fuck off prince of stupidity it's contagious like begone
the fuck bro don't even fucking say that shit it's normal for the fucking body to react that way
i think she is fucking crazy people aren't objects. So stealing is highly unlikely
hell na bro why u hand to compare him with that fucking worthless trash
fuck this shit i'm out
fuck this girl stop think like that for a sec and please use your brain and notice how dangerousItIS
this girl maybe high on crack she have no common sense and i'm reading this piece of shit
this bitch fucking stupid why bro ?fucking why?
oh fuckWeAllKnow the brothers heck the whole fucking clan have a lot of screw loose pleaseDon'tFall
ahh eww go fucking kill yourself like please fucking unalive yourself asshole
oh shit fuck no why the one guy that seem ok hand to give me the psycho vibe like that other asshole
fuck that brother he's gonna fucking pay for this shit i'm get my fucking wok and frying pan ready
bitch shut the fuck up if it's so why you in her fucking house? like get the fuck out asshole
i never liked public proposal because sometimes it's pressuriz the other person to say yes
naa this motherfucker ahhhhh u sleeping now bruh
1351 photos
17 10,2021 created

cold hearted's other album